I’m On A Mission...
..to close ‘The Gap’ that forms between individuals and corporate companies. The bigger the gap, the higher levels of unhappiness and dissatisfaction which not only starts to impact our personal lives but hugely impacts company performance.
With over a decade of experience in corporate roles I use the power of positive psychology, life coaching and operational efficiency methodology to help both companies and people like YOU create a career strategy and work life that you love and thrive in!
Why bother? Happier people tend to earn more money whilst increasing overall company productivity and efficiency... everyone’s a winner.
Our movement empowers corporate professionals like you to feel connected, inspired, and fired up by creating a limitless career they love.
I love nothing more than seeing people unlock and reach their true potential. To see themelves, their skills and their strengths in a way they haven't seen before and start oozing confidence.
Grounded in positive psychology and dyslexic thinking I help people create a purpose filled career strategy that lights them up with a personal brand to match which inevitably creates limitless opportunities. Clients either find themselves falling back in love with their work, confidently sweeping through the interview process or bagging hefty pay rises.
“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” – Mother Teresa
Corporate Consulting
The key to my career was to create new experiences through new roles every 1-2 years. It's not for everyone but I loved it.
My career has been varied from big corporate companies like E.ON, NHS and Wagamama to small independent consulting.
I started with a focus in brand and marketing eventually branching into operational efficiency roles where I really developed my coaching skills. I learnt to lean in on my dyslexic thinking and problem solving skills to quickly understand how a business operates and spot opportunity for improvement. I created a great reputation for culture change which took me into people experience where my passion for people and happiness really shone through