
It Pays To Be Happy: 30 day guide to a happier you in work and life

Your unhappiness at work is costing you job opportunities, promotions and bonuses. Not only is it sabotaging your career growth it’s putting less money into your bank account and affecting many other areas of your life. But you can change all that… and it’s easier than you think. 

Rebekah takes you on a transformative journey to reclaim your happiness from the grip of workplace dissatisfaction. Drawing on her years spent supporting others to craft exciting and engaging careers and her corporate roles in which she has helped organisations create safe, inclusive and thriving work cultures Rebekah delivers a powerhouse of motivation, insight and actionable steps in It Pays to Be Happy.

In just one chapter a day for thirty days, you’ll unlock the secrets to fulfilment, joy and the financial benefits of being happier in your career and life. 

Don’t let “it’s not so bad” keep you in a career that is no longer for you. Just because it’s OK, doesn’t mean it’s as good as it gets.

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“This book is pure gold. Filled with loads of practical advice that has really helped me get the most from my career”
